Wednesday, October 03, 2007

One Day

Sadly, I don’t have a garage. And, honestly, parking my car in there would be nice, but its not really the main reason I want a garage. I want all those cabinets, a great work bench, and my walls covered in peg board. I’m serious.

My parents garage is amazingly organized. My dad worked on cars all the time, allowing him to gather all sorts of tools. There’s a place for everything. You can quickly scan the garage and see if a tool is missing. I remember my dad asking me more than once, “Where’s my screwdriver?” When I was really young, I thought it was amazing that he noticed it was missing amongst all his millions of tools…

So, one day, when I’m able to build a garage, I will be purchasing a nice tool chest, fluorescent lighting and some decent seating…. Because I won’t be the one doing the work in there!

What do y’all store in your garages?


Annie Jones said...

Anything and everything but a vehicle. :)

Jennifer said...

hehe....I love this post. I don't know why but I do. ANYway...I store most everything. Well, Doug does. I put in my car and that is about it.

Gary said...

Trust me. You don't want a garage. Sure, everything is fine at first. But then you get a new stereo to replace the old one. You decide to throw it out, but then remember you have a garage and so you dump in it there. Then you get a new TV, and then a new computer. Soon all of your old junk is piled up in the garage. The sheer mass of the huge junk pile is overwhelming. You don't know what to do. What do you keep, and what do you throw out? You can't remember why you even kept the things you did. It starts to drive you mad. You can't sleep at night. Every waking minute you are consumed by thoughts of all that junk in your garage. Eventually you go insane and end up in a mental institution. Hope that helps.