Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Pressure of it All...

I really didn't figure I would get as many comments on my new template. I kinda figured people would check it out and move along. I appreciate the compliments, though. Makes me feel all warm and gushy inside... Yeah, something like that.

I don't know that I've mentioned it, but Tom has two tiny little spots (one on his glut and one on his calf) that have been needing constant care. It really drives me a little batty, making me wonder if I could of done anything different to prevent these little devils. Typical wounds heal slowly anyhow, but being in Tom's situation can really hinder their healing time. Which, of course, can lead to infection or even possibly having them get much worse. Its kind of scary to be 'in charge' of things like this.

But, they're improving. Slowly. Let's keep our fingers crossed that they continue to go the right direction.

Wow. I looked up pressure wounds to find y'all a link... Eek. I don't think I'll share. I mean, I know what I'm dealing with, but I don't think I'll expose you to that unnecessarily. You should really be thankful for that. You can google it if you want to, but beware of stomach turning photos... (thank God Almighty Tom has never had anything that looked that bad.)

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